Available Models

Our simulations produce catchment areas, river lengths, and volumes of deposited sediment that are consistent with the ranges observed in continental-scale deltas such as the Mississippi and Amazon rivers. (a) Example showing the outputs from the numerical simulation showing the elevation and bathymetry (top) and cumulative flexure (bottom). Model dimensions are 4500 km x 2000 km, with a vertical exaggeration of 100x. (b) Scatter plot of river length (top) and 405 shelf width (bottom) versus catchment area from river systems. Data is from Somme et al. (2009), Nyberg et al. (2018), Blum et al. (2013, 2017) and simulations presented in this study. Pal= Paleocene, Oli=Oligocene, PM= Paleo-Mississippi. (c) Example of synthetic stratigraphy from a simulation without (left) and with flexural compensation (right).

Flexural isostatic response of continental-scale deltas to climatically driven sea level changes

Uploaded by: Sara Polanco

Uploaded: May 24, 2024

Software: Badlands


Deltaic depocentersFlexural isostasyGlacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)Stratigraphic record

Deviatoric stresses and vorticity in reference model.

Kinematics of Footwall Exhumation at Oceanic Detachment faults: Solid‐Block Rotation and Apparent Unbending

Uploaded by: Dan Sandiford

Uploaded: May 17, 2024

Software: geodynamics/aspect: ASPECT 2.5.0


C++detachment faultsfaultingfinite-elementmesh-refinementtectonics